Tax Tokenomics
4% Marketing
4% Development
2% Liquidity Pool
4% Marketing
4% Development
2% Liquidity Pool
The King Chain Ecosystem has a transaction tax of 10% on all buy and sell transactions, with the funds being allocated to different areas within the ecosystem.
Of the 10% transaction tax, 4% is allocated to Marketing, which can help the ecosystem to reach a broader audience and increase awareness of its features and capabilities. This can be an important investment for any blockchain ecosystem, as marketing can play a significant role in attracting users and developers.
Another 4% of the transaction tax is allocated to Utility, which can be used to fund the development and maintenance of the ecosystem's core features and functionalities. This can include improvements to the network's security, scalability, and interoperability, among other areas.
Finally, 2% of the transaction tax is allocated to adding liquidity to the ecosystem's Liquidity Pool (LP). This can help to ensure that there is enough liquidity available to support trading on the ecosystem's exchange, which can be critical for maintaining a healthy trading environment.
Overall, the King Chain ecosystem's transaction tax structure appears to be designed to support the growth and development of the platform, with funds being allocated to different areas that can help to enhance its usability and appeal to users. By investing in marketing, utility, and liquidity, the ecosystem has the potential to attract more users and developers, making it a more robust and thriving ecosystem.
Last updated